Wellbeing Champion
Leading the Movement in Wellbeing
"Our vision is to have a community of 10000 practicing Wellbeing Champions — at home, in the school, out in the community or in the workplace — aligning them in the ecosystem of mental healthcare that is the Circle-of-Care."
- Yen-Lu Chow, co-founder Over-The-Rainbow
Bring Wellbeing Champion to Your Organization

Our deep and broad experiences in the mental health space over the past 11 years inform us that a strong foundation in mental wellbeing is rooted in good self-care habits that is holistic and transformative — complemented by a community-based model of care with trained Wellbeing Champions leading the way, whether at home, in the school, out in the community or in the workplace — supplemented by the traditional counselling and psychotherapy for those who need acute mental health care. At OTR we call this the Circle-of-Care – that the journey in mental wellness begins with each of us – within us. It begins the moment we decide to take personal responsibility for our own mental wellbeing, supported on this journey by the ecosystem of friends and family, peers, wellness guides, mental health professionals and experts.
A Wellbeing Champion is first and foremost a role model in the community who takes responsibility for his / her own mental wellbeing through self-care practices that create positive change on the inside. The change manifested within then radiates outwards — from the core to the shell—inside to the outside—enabling you to care for and serve those around you better—to become a more effective and aware mental wellness care-giver and wellness guide for others in the community.
Mental wellness is not just the absence of mental illness, but the attainment of happiness and wellbeing. To create positive change in your mental world — to enhance your mental wellbeing — you need to start by looking within — tuning into your body, your breath, your mind — getting your inside right. If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. This is a journey in Holistic Self-Care — a journey in self-discovery, healing and transformation.
Holistic self-care is about taking care of yourself physically, by listening to your body, getting sufficient sleep, ample exercise, good nutrition, healthy dose of sunshine, daily meditation; intellectually, by maintaining a sense of curiosity, an appetite for learning new things, staying hungry and foolish; emotionally, by letting go of toxic emotions, cultivating positive emotions of loving-kindness, compassion, joy, equanimity, appreciation, forgiveness, gratitude, generosity, contentment, and inner peace; socially, by making time for family and friends, giving support to and accepting support from others, contributing to the community, volunteering for a cause you believe in; and spiritually, by living authentically – acting from your Deepest Truth, connecting to your Highest Self – knowing that we’re all connected – finding purpose, meaning, fulfilment.
Getting your inside right is first and foremost about knowing yourself — truly and deeply; uncovering your core values and strengths — your motivations and aspirations — fining your inner voice. It’s shining a light on your inner shadows, reconciling with past hurt towards healing and wholeness. It’s developing, mastering, and harnessing your inner resources — your heart and mind – your thoughts and emotions – to serve your best self – making the mind your trusted friend. It’s creating your own inner allies – rediscovering your inner light and creative sparks. It’s taking responsibility for your own wellbeing – doing something today that your future self will thank you for.
The change manifested within then radiates outwards—from the core to the shell—inside to the outside. By gaining a greater awareness of your own thoughts and emotions, your motivations and aspirations, you will naturally become more aware of others’ emotions and motivations. Combined with Empathic Communication skills — to communicate more deeply and effectively through empathy, deep listening, asking learning questions, balancing asking vs. telling, etc — and foundational Mentoring skills — to become a more effective and aware mental wellness care-giver and wellness guide for others in the community — turning community care into a common reality.

Mental Health 101
Duration: 60-90 min (virtual or in-person)
Mental health is an integral part of our health. While various factors in our day to day life and/or life crisis can cause poor mental health, there are also predispositions, genes, and trauma that causes mental health issues/ illnesses.
Key topics covered include:
Common Causes and Types of Mental Health Issues among Youth
Facts and Myths
Signs and symptoms of the common Mental Health issues
What to do to support

Self-Care 101
Duration: 60-120 min
(virtual or in-person)
“Self-care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what’s left of you.” – Katie Reed.
Mental wellness is not just the absence of mental illness, but the attainment of happiness and well-being. To enhance your mental well-being, you need to start by looking within; tuning into your body, your breath and your mind, to get your inside right. This is a journey in holistic self-care.
Key topics covered include:
Our Beautiful Mind – Our Troubled Mind
Self-Care: How Full is Your Cup?
Discovering Your 3 Best Friends
Dealing with Triggers
Uncovering Your Values
Listening to Your Heart
Finding Inner Joy & Happiness

Others Care 101: Empathic Communication
Duration: 60-120 min
(virtual or in-person)
Key topics covered include:
Effective Communication Skills
How Listening Helps?
The Human Need to be Heard
Identifying Feelings
The Art of Deep Listening
Asking Learning Questions
Skillful Conversations
Building Trust thru P.A.R.T.

Psychological First Aid 101
Duration: 60-90 min (virtual or in-person)
We all go through a crisis in life, at one time or another. The objective of this workshop is to provide the foundational skills to support others in the aftermath of a Crisis Event, in this case, crisis of mental health.
Key topics covered in this workshop include:
Approach a crisis or post crisis situation safely, for yourself and others;
Say, listen and do the most supportive things for distressed people; and
NOT cause further harm by your actions.

The Art & Science of Happiness
Duration: 60-90 min (virtual or in-person)
Happiness is one of life’s most important questions. Every person on this planet wants to be happy – there are no exceptions. Happiness is the cause of good things in life, the source of wellbeing. Happy people are healthier, and live longer. They love more and fear less, and are more positive and optimistic about life. Happiness is not just good mood, it’s preventive medicine!
Key topics covered in this workshop include:
Happiness: Life’s Most Important Questions Common Questions About Happiness
The Happiness Equation
Tending to the Garden of Your Mind
The Science of Happiness & Human Fulfillment
Making Happiness a Habit

The Power of Mindfulness
Duration: 60-120 min (virtual or in-person)
Mindfulness refers to the feeling of a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, physical sensations, and environment. It’s a practice that can help us learn to regulate emotions and decrease stress and anxiety. It’s a state of mind. When you’re mindful, you’re not “stuck in your head” or “lost in your thoughts.” You’re focused on the moment at hand, without all the chatter and concern for the future or the past.
By integrating mindfulness into your daily practices – it can help you develop an extraordinarily capable mind that is profoundly peaceful, happy, and compassionate.
Key topics covered in this workshop include:
Human Brain – the 3-Pound Universe
Why Mindfulness? What is Mindfulness
Developing Self-Awareness, Empathy and Emotional Intelligence
Dealing with Triggers
Making Your ‘Presence’ Known
The Science of Mindfulness
Mindful Living & The Pursuit of Happiness

Integral Mindful Tai-Chi
Duration: 60-90 min (in-person)
Tai-chi is an ancient Chinese practice comprising a series of gentle flowing movements proven to promote calmness and reduce anxiety. Some people call it "meditation in motion".
Integral Mindful Tai-Chi is a practice that takes this meditation in motion a step further by combining the gentle flowing movements with a focus on the internal flow of energy or chi that promotes moment-by-moment awareness of our body's energetic state, improves the body's energy flow, align this flow with the evolutionary flow of life force (Universal Qi) to create a more dynamic mind and body energetic system, enhancing overall vitality while advancing longer term health and wellbeing.

Laughter Yoga
Duration: 30-45 min (in-person)
- Releasing endorphins and happy hormones like dopamine and serotonin, they lift our mood and reduce stress
- Relieving pain, lowering blood pressure and strengthening the immune system
- Laughing with other people can also increase social connectedness and bonding
- As we grow older we tend to laugh less because we have somewhat lost our sense of humour. Little things that used to make us shriek with laughter are no longer funny.

Managing Stress in the Workplace
Duration: 60-90 min (virtual or in-person)
Stress can be one of the most harmful things in our lives. It affects our well-being on so many levels. Chronic stress if left unattended is a major contributing factor to many chronic diseases in modern society, diseases of both the body and the mind: cancer, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, anxiety, and depression. 90% of Asian workers report high levels of stress in an “always-on” culture. Stress and burnout are risk factors that account for 10-20% of chronic illnesses in the world’s fastest growing economies. This is an epidemic that needs to addressed at its source.
Key topics covered in this workshop include:
Introduction to stress and possible sources of stress
Recognise stress-related symptoms
Learn stress-busting strategies and tools

Music in Motion
Duration: 60-90 min
The power of music in shifting and feeling emotions, how it can synthesize different cultures/beliefs/religions into a common language.

Open Canvas
Duration: 60-120 min (in-person)
Everyone wants to be happy, to love, to be loved, to connect, to create. And when we create something with our heart that reflects our inner yearnings – our soul finds creative fulfillment.
Creativity expressed via an open canvas via artistic expressions in a safe space together opens the door to our heart and mind – helps connect to ourselves and to others – using colors and shape – shaped by our hope and our dreams – fueled by the imagination.

Sound Bath for Relaxation, Healing & Wellbeing
Duration: 60-120 min (in-person)
Sound is our Universal Language, predating the invention of language itself. It is also the oldest forms of healing, dating back thousands of years since the dawn of human civilisation. Modern science has confirmed what ancient wisdom traditions have known for millenniums, that sound has the power to heal, and to transform.
Sound therapy comes in the form of pure tones or as music, and can positively affect a large array of physiological and psychological states: lowering blood pressure, slowing heartbeat and breath rate, reducing stress hormones, boosting immune response, slowing brainwaves for enhanced creativity and relaxation, increasing endorphin production, relieving pain both acute and chronic.
A Sound Bath session can balance your physical, emotional and mental systems, to restore a of harmony, deepen relaxation, lower stress and anxiety, improve your mood and well-being.

Suicide Prevention 101
Duration: 60-90 min (virtual or in-person)
The suicide rate around the world is increasing. According to World Health Organization (WHO), there is one suicide attempt every 3 seconds of the day, and everyone 40 seconds, someone dies by suicide. Events that act as triggers for suicide risk include any external events that cause significant psychological or emotional anxieties or pain, such as a crisis or a loss – happenings that creates a disequilibrium to what is ‘normalcy’.
In this workshop, we’ll identify/ understand:
Triggers / Common causes of suicidal behaviour
Facts and Myths
Signs of distress / Suicidal risks in people around us – What to look out for?
Approach – What to do to support

Mind Matters: A Personal Journey
Duration: 60 min (virtual or in-person)
In this Wellbeing Champion series and inspirational talk by Yen-Lu Chow, Executive Chairman of WholeTree Limited, traces his journey as a scientist & engineer, Apple Distinguished Technologist, entrepreneur, venture capitalist & angel investor, mentor & advisor to start-ups and government – to become a mental wellbeing champion, a social innovator, philanthropist & humanist, and seeker of truth. He shares the three defining moments of his life, his inspirations, successes and failures, lessons learned along the way, his own “awakening” – how he (and wife Yee Ling) were able to turn their heart-shattering family tragedy into a gift and movement to change the world for the better by planting more seeds of happiness, healing, transformation, and wellbeing in others and the world.

Reawakening The Deep Human Within
Duration: 60 min (in-person)
Have you ever pondered on some of the eternal questions of the human experience, the mystery that is life:
- Who are we - Why are we here?
- What is the cause - the source of happiness, wellbeing and creativity - and human suffering?
- Where does creativity and vitality come from?
- How can I live a happier, healthier and more abundant life?
Come join Yen-Lu on a journey to Reawaken the Deep Human within - connecting you to The Source to access the Life Force - opening the doorway to the mystery that is life, happiness, health, creativity, wisdom, wellbeing - and your infinite creative potential.
The programmes and durations are customizable under your needs. Do contact us for more information.
Past Events

Wellbeing Champion Day
10 March 2024

Wellbeing Champion Charity Walk 2024
18 February 2024

OTR Wellbeing Champion Festival June 2024
23 June 2024

Wellbeing Champion Charity Walk 2024
17 August 2024