The Circle Of Connexion (COCx) is a safe online space open to friends and members of Over The Rainbow. It is a “self-help” peer support group without the involvement of professional help. People in the group journey as a community of support to explore issues, discuss challenges and share light-hearted moments.
As a peer support group, participants are encouraged to contribute, share different perspectives and create solutions together. The sessions are learning focussed, we take personal responsibility to understand and learn from our own experiences, thoughts and feelings. We provide purposeful support to help one another develop new resources and reframe challenges as opportunities. And we celebrate changes no matter how small!
COCx adopts a dynamic and flexible approach to building connection and learning from one another with mutual understanding. Hourly sessions are held online monthly via Zoom on Wednesdays from 7.30pm to 8.30pm. Each session will consists of three segments – a topic for the month, a self-care practice and a discussion on the key takeaways and applications in real life.
If this resonates with you, please join us for the next COCx 2023 which will run on: 17 May, 28 June, 19 July, 16 August, 27 September and 25 October.