About OTR Listens

OTR Listens is an online platform and community to provide you with a safe, non-judgmental outlet and emotional support when faced with life challenges, based on the following three support pillars:

Realtime Chat-based Service. Lends a “listening ear and understanding and compassionate heart”, providing a cathartic outlet for you to share your life challenges and stressors, and to receive emotional support and validation.

Community. Allows anonymous sharing of emotions, feelings, stories, concerns, challenges and aspirations. These shared feelings and personal expressions are curated and posted on the site. This community of shared  personal  expressions creates a form of social support - that you are not alone on your journey.

Self-Care and Referral Resources. Allows access to simple self-care resources and self-help tips, plus links to other community resources as well professional help including counsellors and psychotherapists.

About Over-The-Rainbow

Over-The-Rainbow  (OTR) is the mental wellness initiative of the WholeTree Limited, the family charity of Yen-Lu & Yee Ling Chow, founded in loving memory of their son and only child Lawrance H. Chow who ended his own life at the age of 26 after suffering for many years from manic depression. OTR is a one-stop hub for youth mental wellness. Our mission is to transform mental wellness for the 21st century by: 

  1. Making mental wellness a top priority in life; 

  2. Creating a supportive community based on love, compassion, joy, generosity and service; 

  3. Empowering every young person on their mental wellness journey, via holistic self-care and a supportive community. 



“Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” – Plato  

We have a special song created to inspire seekers around the world.

Sing with us!

Learn more

Live for a Better Day

Académie of Stars World Mental Health Awareness 2020

  In special memory of all the young lives lost to suicide.


Over-The-Rainbow @ TEDx

Let our founder, Yen-Lu Chow tell you more about Over-The-Rainbow in his TEDx talk.


Check out the video to find out more about Over-The-Rainbow.