Be A Wellbeing Champion @ SMU
Brought to you by Over The Rainbow, My Inner Child Clinic and Calm3d
Acquire practical life skills for self-care and anchor in valuable learning with hypnotherapy and positive visualisation exercises.
OTR Wellbeing Champion Series: Self-Care 101
by Yen-Lu Chow, Co-Founder, Over The Rainbow
Venue: SMU Greenhouse, level 3 (The Connexion)
Time: 11am to 12:30pm (followed by networking and lunch)
Duration: 90 min
Limited to 50 participants.

Marcus Aurelius, a Roman emperor and philosopher, famously said, “Look within: within is the fountain of all good.” He advised us to look within ourselves to find that “fountain of all good”, the source of our happiness. - Yen-lu Chow ("The Pursuit of Happiness" 1 April, 2022)
Yen-Lu's advice to youths in their pursuit of happiness, is to look within. The self-care 101 teaches us to be aware and to appreciate who we are as a person.
Mental wellness is not just the absence of mental illness, but the attainment of happiness and well-being. To create positive change in your mental world and to enhance your mental well-being, you need to start by looking within; tuning into your body, your breath and your mind, in order to get your inside right. If you are calm and happy inside, your outside world will fall into place. This is a journey in holistic self-care.
Key topics covered in this workshop include:
Our Beautiful Mind – Our Troubled Mind
Self-Care: How Full is Your Cup?
Discovering Your 3 Best Friends
Tending to Your Mind
Dealing with Triggers
Your Body: A Gift of Nature
Uncovering Your Values
Listening to Your Heart
Self-Discovery & Transformation
Finding Inner Joy & Happiness
Wellbeing Champion Trainer: Yen-Lu Chow
As an advocate for youth mental wellbeing, Yen-Lu is dedicated to helping youths strengthen the foundations to live life fully - to live life with purpose and meaning.
Yen-Lu is a former Apple Distinguished Technologist, serial entrepreneur, angel investor, mentor and advisor, social innovator, philanthropist and humanist. He is the co-founder and Executive Chairman, WholeTree Foundation; Founding Executive Chairman, Asia Institute of Mentoring; Chairman, Singapore Creations ETC; Founding Partner, Fatfish MediaLab; Executive Mentor, YSI SEA; and founder of the Deep Human Movement.
With the launch of his family foundation and other social impact initiatives, Yen-Lu devotes his time serving both society and the nation in his various capacities. He is on a life mission to help bring about a kinder, gentler, more inclusive, more just, and sustainable world.
Clinical Hypnotherapist: Bernadette Chin
As a clinical hypnotherapist, Bernadette uses a guided visualisation exercise to help wellbeing champions anchor in positive identities about their self and the learnings acquired at the masterclass.
During the masterclass, Bernadette will conduct a live visualisation to align both the conscious and subconscious mind for our champions to experience how it feels to be in their most empowering and positive future states, and to anchor this identity into the present moment.
About Bernadette Chin
Bernadette is a psychotherapist, clinical hypnotherapist and nutritionist. She practices at My Inner Child Clinic and specialises in trauma care and inner child healing. Bernadette is a co-founder of Calm3d, a mental wellness startup providing therapists and coaches with tools to support the good work that they do.