OTR Circle of ConneXion 2021 3rd Run
You Are Not Alone
The Circle Of Connexion (COCx) is a self-help peer support group that is open to members (or peers) of Over The Rainbow. It is a platform for members to practice self-care as a community without the involvement of professional help. It was launched in February 2020 as a support for individuals who have lived some of the challenges or are going through mental health experiences being addressed by the group. The Circle is a safe place for people who want to get things off their chest and also to play and have some wholesome fun.
One COCx cycle consists of six one-hour sessions and members meet every fortnight on Wednesday at 8.00pm via Zoom. We can accept up to 10 members per session. Members are encouraged to attend all six sessions which will run over a period of three months. When the cycle ends, members can sign up for the next cycle or for as long as they would like to give and receive support.
Dates: Wednesdays - July 28, August 11, 25, September 8, 22 and October 6
Time: 8:00-9pm
For those interested please register above and also fill out the form here by 12 July 2021.
Our aim for COCx is to empower members to learn new coping skills, develop new resources and reframe challenges as opportunities. We adopt a dynamic and flexible approach that enables members to connect and learn from one another with mutual understanding. We encourage self responsibility, each person in the group owns and learns from his or her experiences, thoughts and feelings. The group is there to share and explore different worldviews, create solutions together and to celebrate all changes, no matter how small. All members are peer facilitators because everyone has something worthwhile to contribute, each person gives and receives at the same time.