OTR Wellbeing Champion Festival Dec 2023
Leading the Movement in Well-being
Join us for this year-end OTR Wellbeing Champion Festival:
A day of meditative practice, healing, mindful tai-chi, art and wellness - Leading the Movement in Wellbeing!

Important information:
Date: 10 December 2023, Sunday
Time: 10 AM - 4 PM (Doors open at 9:30 AM)
Location: The Red Box, 113 Somerset Rd, Singapore 238165
Closest MRT: Somerset
We conduct these programs to support the mental wellbeing of the larger community. To help us keep these initiatives running, your donation is appreciated and much needed. Recommended amount: $20.
Please send your donation via PayNow to: WholeTree Limited (UEN No. 201022300R) which will go towards supporting the OTR Gala Fundraising 2023.
To enjoy 250% tax deduction, please reference:
Your NRIC for individual donation
UEN for corporate donation
How to register:
You can choose individual workshops that are of interest to you.
If you'd like, you can register for all 5 workshops.
To register, simply click on "Tickets" and select the workshops you would like to attend.
For logistics reasons, you'll need to register for each workshop separately.
Space limited. First come first serve.
10:00 AM - Opening Welcome
with Yen-Lu Chow, OTR co-founder
10:15 AM - Integral Mindful Tai-chi
with Yen-Lu Chow, OTR co-founder, author & keynote speaker, award-winning entrepreneur, social innovator, mental wellbeing champion, student of Spirituality and seeker of Truth
Tai-chi is an ancient Chinese practice comprising a series of gentle flowing movements proven to promote calmness and reduce anxiety. Some people call it "meditation in motion". Integral Mindful Tai-Chi is a practice that takes this meditation in motion a step further by combining the gentle flowing movements with a focus on the internal flow of energy or chi that promotes moment-by-moment awareness of our body's energetic state, improves the body's energy flow, align this flow with the evolutionary flow of life force (Universal Qi) to create a more dynamic mind and body energetic system, enhancing overall vitality while advancing longer term health and wellbeing.
11:00 AM - Listening Within: Discovering Your Best Self
with Antoinette Biehlmeier, holistic health professional, founder of Inner Dynamics Map
The quality of our relationships starts with the relationship we have with ourselves. Many of us grew up believing we were not good enough or that we had to hide parts of ourselves to be loved. This led to disconnection from our true feelings and needs. Without self-understanding and compassion, our relationships with others suffer.
In this experiential 60-minute session, we will explore using Inner Relationship Focusing to create meaningful connection with all parts of ourselves—even those we may have rejected. Focusing teaches self-acceptance, clarity, and understanding. With more self-awareness comes more capacity for authentic, fulfilling relationships.
We will start with a guided Inner Relationship Focusing process using your most treasured photo as the entry point. This photo represents an important life experience or relationship. Through open and gentle self-inquiry, we will uncover how this photo connects to your deepest needs, hurts, longings, or desires. What does this photo reveal about who you are and what matters most?
You will leave with greater self-knowledge, embodiment of your feelings, inspiration for nurturing all parts of yourself, and ideas for next steps. When we approach ourselves and others with open-hearted curiosity instead of judgment, we plant the seeds for growth, healing, and relationships that thrive.
Please bring a hard copy of your most important photograph to this session.
12:15 PM - Lunch Break
1:30 PM - Family Art Jam
with Yee Ling Chow, OTR co-founder, professional counsellor, yoga practitioner, artist
Every one wants to be happy, to love, to be loved, to connect, to create. And when we create something with our heart that reflects our inner yearnings - our soul finds creative fulfilment. Creativity expressed via an open canvas via artistic expressions in a safe space together opens the door to our heart and mind - helps connect to ourselves and to others - using colours and shape - shaped by our hope and our dreams - fueled by the imagination.