“The idea of the The OTR Academy emerged out of our deep and broad experience over the past nearly 13 years working with youths, parents, families and the community in advancing their mental wellness. This experience informed us that a strong foundation in mental health and wellbeing is rooted in good self-care habits that is holistic and transformative, from where we can develop and grow a community-based model of care that includes family, friends, parents, teachers, peers etc. We call this ecosystem the Circle-of-Care .

      Individuals who choose to be Wellbeing Champions play a crucial role — you are at the heart of the concentric layers of the Circle-of-Care ecosystem — supplemented at the last mile by the traditional counselling and psychotherapy for those who need acute mental health care. 

      The Academy offers training courses and certifications to develop individuals on the fundamentals of mental health, good self-care habits and life coping skills, active listening and empathic communication skills, the science of wellbeing   plus  counselling, coaching and mentoring fundamentals for those who wish to be able to serve as the champions of their own wellbeing as well as being the mentors and guides for the wellbeing of those around them.    

      The Academy will also provide  platforms of practice and deployment  so that there is a continuing and ongoing opportunity to develop and hone their skills and practices. These platforms include OTR initiatives such as OTR Listens, OTR Wellbeing Champion Workshops & Festivals, Think x Rainbow Parental Support-Line / Parenting Circle, as well as new ones that we will develop — and those from partner organizations — in addition to the places where you live and work.  

      Our mission at the OTR Academy is to create a community-based mental health care model by empowering a community of 10000 practicing Wellbeing Champions and Wellbeing Mentors — parents, teachers, friends, peers —  at home in the school out in the community, at the workplace  — aligning them in the ecosystem of Circle-of-Care TM .  

      The journey in mental wellbeing begins with you, the moment you decide to take ownership / responsibility of your own wellbeing.
      And as a trained Wellbeing Champion and  Wellbeing Mentors , you are also in the best position to be on the lookout for the wellbeing of your loved ones and those in your immediate network.

      Come join us for the ride!"

      - Yen-Lu Chow, co-founder Over-The-Rainbow

      Application to the OTR Academy is open to the public. 
      To apply, please fill out the application form here.
      We will be in touch shortly with instructions to register for the courses.
      Thank you.

      Training & Certifications

      Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

      Wellbeing Champion

      A Wellbeing Champion is first and foremost a role model in the community who takes responsibility for his / her own mental wellbeing through holistic self-care practices that create positive change  on the inside.  The change manifested  within  then radiates  outwards  — from the core to the shell —  inside to the outside  — enabling you to connect, care for and serve those around you better — a champion of your own wellbeing and the wellbeing of those around you.

      Prerequisites & Requirements:

      • Minimum 2-3 years professional work experience;

      • Attend the half day Foundation Training: OTR Orientation, Self-Care 101, Mental Health 101 (to qualify as a Wellbeing Ambassador)

      • Complete Empathetic Communication Training (or equivalent);

      • Complete The Science of Wellbeing Fundamentals (or equivalent);

      • Complete 10 Wellbeing Champion practicum sessions (via the  platforms of practice );

      • Certificate of Achievement.

      Fees: $136 (Introductory Offer)

      Odoo - Sample 2 for three columns

      Wellbeing Mentor

      Wellbeing Mentor takes the idea of Wellbeing Champion a few steps further — to empower you with the wisdom and experience to provide ongoing guidance and support to your loved ones and your community on their mental wellness journey — as a certified  Wellbeing Mentor / Mental Wellness Coach .

      Prerequisites & Requirements:

      • A qualified Wellbeing Champion;

      • Minimum 7-8 years professional work experience;

      • Complete Counselling Fundamentals Training (or equivalent);

      • Complete Coaching Fundamentals Training (or equivalent);

      • Complete Mentoring Fundamentals Training (or equivalent);

      • Attend recommended electives on Mental Health related topics;

      • Complete 20 Wellbeing Mentor practicum sessions (via the  platforms of practice );

      • Formal Certification.

      Fees: $408 ( (Introductory Offer -  inclusive of Wellbeing Champion Training & Certification)

      Course Schedule (2025)

      Wellbeing Champion

      Wellbeing Mentor

      Foundation: May 17, 1-4pm
      Empathic Communication: May 20, 7-10pm; May 22, 7-10pm
      The Science of Wellbeing Fundamentals: May 27, 7-10pm; May 29, 7-10pm

      Foundation: May 17, 1-4pm
      Empathic Communication: May 20, 7-10pm; May 22, 7-10pm
      The Science of Wellbeing Fundamentals: May 27, 7-10pm; May 29, 7-10pm

      Foundation: May 17, 1-4pm
      Empathic Communication: May 20, 7-10pm; May 22, 7-10pm
      The Science of Wellbeing Fundamentals: May 27, 7-10pm; May 29, 7-10pm

      Foundation: May 17, 1-4pm
      Empathic Communication: May 20, 7-10pm; May 22, 7-10pm
      The Science of Wellbeing Fundamentals: May 27, 7-10pm; May 29, 7- 10pm
      Counseling Fundamentals: June 3, 7-10pm; June 7, 9am-12:30pm
      Coaching Fundamentals: June 5, 7-10pm; June 7, 1:30-5pm
      Mentoring Fundamentals: June 12, 7-10pm; June 14, 1:30-5pm

      Foundation: May 17, 1-4pm
      Empathic Communication: May 20, 7-10pm; May 22, 7-10pm
      The Science of Wellbeing Fundamentals: May 27, 7-10pm; May 29, 7- 10pm
      Counseling Fundamentals: June 3, 7-10pm; June 7, 9am-12:30pm
      Coaching Fundamentals: June 5, 7-10pm; June 7, 1:30-5pm
      Mentoring Fundamentals: June 12, 7-10pm; June 14, 1:30-5pm

      Foundation: May 17, 1-4pm
      Empathic Communication: May 20, 7-10pm; May 22, 7-10pm
      The Science of Wellbeing Fundamentals: May 27, 7-10pm; May 29, 7- 10pm
      Counseling Fundamentals: June 3, 7-10pm; June 7, 9am-12:30pm
      Coaching Fundamentals: June 5, 7-10pm; June 7, 1:30-5pm
      Mentoring Fundamentals: June 12, 7-10pm; June 14, 1:30-5pm

      OTR Academy Course Syllabus

      Foundation training is your first stop at the Academy.

      Mental wellness is not just the absence of mental illness, but the attainment of happiness and wellbeing. To create positive change in your mental world—to enhance your mental wellness—you need to start by looking within—tuning into your body, your breath, your mind—getting your inside right. If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. This is a journey of change inside-out via the practice of holistic self-care—a journey in self-discovery, healing and transformation. The journey in mental wellness begins with you, the moment you decide to take ownership / responsibility of your own wellbeing. The Foundation modules will help you get started on this journey.

      Program Outline (Sessions / Topics)

      Duration: 3 hours

      OTR Orientation

      Over-The-Rainbow (OTR) is the mental wellness initiative of the WholeTree Limited, the family charity of Yen-Lu & Yee Ling Chow founded in loving memory of their dear son and only child who ended his own life at the age of 26 after suffering for many years from manic depression. 

      OTR is a one-stop hub for youth mental wellness, and a pioneer and trailblazer in the youth mental health space. Join us to learn more about the genesis, our mission and strategy to transform mental wellness for the 21st century - bringing mental wellness to all corners of the society while leading movement in wellbeing.

      Duration: 30 minutes

      Mental Health 101

      Mental health is an integral part of our health. While various factors in our day to day life and/or life crisis can cause poor mental health, there are also predispositions, genes, and trauma that causes mental health issues/ illnesses. Key topics covered include:

      • Common Causes and Types of Mental Health Issues among Youth
      • Facts and Myths
      • Signs and symptoms of the common Mental Health issues
      • What to do to support

      Duration: 60 minutes

      Self-Care 101

      “Self-care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what’s left of you.” – Katie Reed.

      Mental wellness is not just the absence of mental illness, but the attainment of happiness and well-being. To enhance your mental well-being, you need to start by looking within; tuning into your body, your breath and your mind, to get your inside right. This is a journey in holistic self-care. Key topics covered include:

      • Our Beautiful Mind – Our Troubled Mind
      • Self-Care: How Full is Your Cup?
      • Discovering Your 3 Best Friends
      • Tending to Your Mind
      • Dealing with Triggers
      • Uncovering Your Values
      • Listening to Your Heart
      • Finding Inner Joy & Happiness 

      Duration: 90 minutes

      Human relationships are fundamentally about communication and connection. The purpose of communication is to create a common understanding through sharing and to coordinate actions. It involves good listening skills, questioning skills, and creating skillful conversations.  

      This one-day highly integrative and intensive coaching program is for anyone who is serious about embarking on the journey of a  Wellbeing Champion . This program comes with a  Certificate of Participation  upon satisfactory completion.

      Program Outline (Sessions / Topics)

      Duration: One Day (8 hours, including breaks)

      Section 1: Foundations of Empathic Communication

      • The Human Need to be Heard
      • Effective Communication Skills
      • Identifying Feelings and Needs 
      • Understanding Non-Verbal Communication
      • Cultural Awareness in Communication
      • Self-awareness in Communication

      Section 2: Active Listening & Questioning

      • How Listening Helps
      • The Art of Deep Listening
      • Asking Learning Questions
      • Barriers to Effective Listening
      • Managing Emotional Triggers
      • Mindfulness in Communication
      • Non-violent communication basics
      • Empathy vs. Sympathy: Understanding the Difference

      Section 3: Building Connection & Practice

      • Skillful Conversations
      • Building Trust through P.A.R.T.
      • Activity: Role-Playing and Skills Practice
      • Giving and Receiving Feedback
      • Conflict Resolution Basics
      • Adapting Communication Styles to Different Situations
      • Creating Safe Spaces for Dialogue

      "The Science of Wellbeing Fundamentals" is an engaging, one-day course designed to introduce participants to the key concepts and scientific research behind wellbeing. This course is ideal for individuals seeking to enhance their personal wellbeing or apply wellbeing principles in their professional practice.

      Participants will explore the components of wellbeing through the lens of positive psychology, focusing on both theory and practical application. Key topics include the PERMA model, which encompasses Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment, as well as the role of positive emotions in building resilience.

      During the day, attendees will partake in interactive sessions that include mindfulness exercises, goal-setting workshops, and activities to foster positive relationships. By the end of the course, participants will have gained a deeper understanding of what constitutes wellbeing and how to integrate evidence-based strategies into daily life to enhance overall life satisfaction and fulfillment.

      This course provides participants with the tools and insights needed to cultivate a more balanced, meaningful, and flourishing life. It serves as a comprehensive introduction to the science of wellbeing, grounded in empirical research and practical application.

      This one-day highly integrative and intensive program is for anyone who is serious about embarking on the journey of a  Wellbeing Champion . This program comes with a  Certificate of Participation  upon satisfactory completion.

      Program Outline (Sessions / Topics)

      Duration: One Day (8 hours, including breaks)

      Introduction and Overview

      - Welcome and participant introductions

      - Course objectives and agenda

      - Significance of studying wellbeing from a scientific perspective

      Session 1: Understanding Wellbeing

      - Definition and components of wellbeing

      - Distinctions between wellbeing, happiness, and life satisfaction

      - Overview of key research findings in the field of positive psychology

      Session 2: The PERMA Model

      - Introduction to Martin Seligman’s PERMA Model: 

      - Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Accomplishment

      - How each component contributes to overall wellbeing

      Session 3: Positive Emotions and Resilience

      - The role of positive emotions in building resilience

      - Overview of the broaden-and-build theory by Barbara Fredrickson

      - Exercises to cultivate positive emotions and enhance resilience

      Session 4: Mindfulness and Wellbeing

      - Introduction to mindfulness and its benefits

      - Techniques for mindfulness practice

      - Guided mindfulness exercise and group reflection

      Session 5: Building Positive Relationships

      - Importance of social connections and community

      - Strategies for nurturing and maintaining healthy relationships

      - Group activity: Developing a relationship action plan

      Session 6: Meaning and Purpose

      - Exploration of meaning and purpose in life

      - Techniques for discovering personal values and goals

      - Interactive exercises to connect with one's sense of purpose

      Session 7: Accomplishment and Goal Setting

      - Understanding achievement and its impact on wellbeing

      - Setting and achieving SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound)

      - Workshop: Crafting a personal goal-setting plan

      Conclusion and Wrap-Up

      - Recap of key concepts and practical takeaways

      - Open Q&A session

      - Course evaluation and feedback collection

      This one-day intensive course on "Counseling Fundamentals"  for Wellbeing Mentors  offers a comprehensive introduction to the essential concepts and techniques of counseling. Designed for beginners and those looking to enhance their interpersonal skills, the course aims to equip participants with the foundational knowledge and practical tools necessary for effective counseling.

      Participants will explore the key stages of the counseling process, develop core skills such as active listening and empathy, and learn to navigate ethical and professional boundaries. The course will also introduce major counseling theories, providing a broad understanding of different approaches.

      Through interactive sessions, including role-playing and group discussions, attendees will have the opportunity to practice and refine their skills in a supportive environment. By the end of the day, participants will leave with a deeper understanding of the counseling role, ready to apply these principles in diverse personal and professional settings. This course serves as an ideal stepping stone for further training and development in the counseling field.

      This one-day highly integrative and intensive counseling program is for anyone who is serious about embarking on the journey of a  Wellbeing Mentor . This program comes with a  Certificate of Participation  upon satisfactory completion.

      Program Outline (Sessions / Topics)

      Duration: One Day (8 hours, including breaks)

      Welcome and Introduction

      - Introductions and icebreaker activity

      - Overview of course objectives

      - Importance and applications of counseling skills

      Session 1: Understanding the Counseling Process

      - Definition and goals of counseling

      - Key stages in the counseling process

      - Different types of counseling (individual, group, and family)

      Session 2: Core Counseling Skills

      - Active listening: techniques and importance

      - Building rapport and establishing trust

      - Effective questioning: open vs. closed questions

      Session 3: Ethical and Professional Standards

      - Confidentiality and its boundaries

      - Maintaining professional boundaries

      - Cultural competence in counseling practice

      Session 4: Introduction to Counseling Theories

      - Overview of major theories:

      - Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

      - Person-centered therapy

      - Solution-focused brief therapy

      - Integrative approaches in counseling

      Session 5: Practical Application and Role-Playing

      - Role-playing exercises in pairs or small groups

      - Practicing active listening and empathy

      - Giving and receiving constructive feedback

      Session 6: Navigating Challenging Situations**

      - Strategies for managing resistance and difficult clients

      - Recognizing signs of counselor burnout

      Session 7: Developing a Personal Counseling Style**

      - Reflection on individual strengths and growth areas

      - Identifying personal counseling values

      - Creating a personal development plan

      Conclusion and Wrap-Up

      - Recap of key concepts and skills covered

      - Open Q&A session

      - Course evaluation and feedback collection

      This one-day in-person   Introduction to Coaching for Wellbeing Mentors   workshop  is  designed to equip wellbeing mentors with foundational coaching skills tailored to support the wellbeing and personal growth of their mentees. Through a combination of interactive activities, role-playing, and group discussions, participants will explore key coaching techniques such as active listening, asking powerful questions, and setting achievable goals, all within the context of mental health and wellbeing. The workshop will also cover how to create a trusting, supportive environment that fosters emotional resilience and growth. By the end of the workshop, mentors will feel confident in integrating coaching methods into their practice, empowering mentees to overcome challenges and thrive .

      This course serves as a stepping stone for further exploration and specialization in the field of coaching. This program comes with a  Certificate of Participation  upon satisfactory completion.

      Program Outline (Sessions / Topics)

      Duration: One Day (8 hours, including breaks)

      Introduction and Overview

      - Welcome and participant introductions

      - Icebreaker activity

      - Learning objectives

      Session 1: What is Coaching?

      • Definition
      • Distinctions between coaching, mentoring, and counseling
      • The role of a coach
      • Mindset and qualities of an effective coach
      • The impact of coaching on personal and professional development

      Session 2: Core Coaching Skills

      • Building trust and safety with clients 
      • Active listening techniques 
      • Powerful questioning

      Session 3: Applying Coaching to Well-being Conversations

      • Introduction to the GROW Model
      • Application of the model in Wellness Mentoring
      • Case Studies

      Session 4: Practicing Coaching Conversations

      - Role-playing exercises in coaching pairs or small groups

      - Applying skills and model in simulated sessions

      - Feedback and group discussion on improvements

      Session 5: Integration

      - Embodying coaching as a way of communicating & relating effectively

      - Q&A

      - Closing Circle 

      A rich body of research shows that highly successful people hardly ever make it on their own. They enlist the help of the experienced people who can lead them and guide them every step of the way – people to whom they can turn for counsel, for advice, for motivation, for key techniques and strategies that minimize risk and maximize personal success.  Everyone who makes it has a MENTOR.

      The key focus of mentoring is to help another individual improve performance and productivity, enhance learning, growth and wellbeing, to achieve  deep human  potential.  The Mentoring Fundamentals program is part of a broader strategy to raise the quality of mentoring and bring mentoring to the forefront of personal growth and development through a formalized training process. 

      This highly integrative and intensive one-day program is for anyone who is serious about embarking on the journey of a  Wellbeing Mentor . This program comes with a  Certificate of Participation  upon satisfactory completion.

      Program Outline (Sessions / Topics)

      Duration: One Day (8 hours, including breaks)

      Session 1: About Mentoring

      • What is Mentoring - and Why Mentor?
      • What makes a Good Mentor?
      • HOPE AND COPE Model for Mentoring

      Session 2: Skills and Strategies for the Mentoring Journey

      • Mentoring Core Communication Skills
        • Listening, Observing, Questioning
      • Facilitating Progress
        • Asking vs Telling, Giving Effective Feedback
      • The Mentoring Skills Model

      Session 3: Mentoring Inside Out

      • Know Thyself: It begins with Self-Awareness 
      • Becoming a Self-Mentor
      • Wellbeing: Change Inside-Out
      • The Heart of Mentoring
      • The Journey to Self-Actualization

      Session 4: Mentoring  in Action : Application in the Real World

      • Application of COPE & HOPE: Scenarios and Case Studies
      • Dealing with Perceptions and Biases
      • Planning the Journey